Leaders & Followers
In the Home, Church, and Business by Matt Hennecke
Based on the Word of God and four decades of helping develop leaders for many organizations and Matt's work as both an elder and evangelist, this book provides practical insights and usable tools to remove much of the mystery of what makes a great leader and how to engage followers. It's a must for parents, elders, church members, and business leaders. In its pages you’ll discover the “crucial" factor of leadership and identify different types of followers and the five leadership styles needed to guide them. You’ll learn, from Christ’s example, how to become a “servant leader” and unlock the potential of followers. The book will make you a better leader and a better follower. Recently released are a 13-lesson, class workbook, PowerPoint files, and Leader's Guide for teaching the concepts found in the book. Matt also conducts weekend workshops for churches – see below. For more information contact Matt at mjhennecke@gmail.com.
The Book, Workbook, Leader's Guide, PowerPoint and Workshop
The Book
13-Lesson Workbook
$9.95 each
PPT and Leader's Guide

![Leaders and Followers PPT files-min [Recovered].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5e3aa7_19836a7ec2e44fca91ad1b5622bf4b6e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_180,h_180,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Leaders%20and%20Followers%20PPT%20files-min%20%5BRecovered%5D.png)
13 PowerPoint files and Leader's Guide for immediate download to teach the 13-lesson Workbook (90 MB)
Weekend Workshop for Churches
The weekend workshop conducted by Matt Hennecke is a highly interactive, hands-on series of five lessons (not sermons) for all Christians – men and women and high school aged participants (though entire families are certainly welcome to come). Each of the five workshop sessions builds on the one before so attendees are encouraged to attend all five. Included in the workshop is a 50-page workbook. Sessions can be conducted in a combination of Friday evening and Saturday sessions, or all day on Saturday. Contact Matt at mjhennecke@gmail.com for more information.
Workshop Information
Click to view and download
What Others Are Saying
This is fantastic material. I've been through numerous leadership courses at work, from consulting firms, in business school and the MBA program. Your material is definitely the most useful construct for practical leadership I've seen. I know it has made me a better leader.
Wyatt Taylor, Louisville, KY
I have read leadership books most of my life, but Matt Hennecke's Leaders and Followers is the gold standard. Matt goes beyond leadership in organizations and gives the tools for leading in all areas of life, from moms and dads, to shepherds and teachers in churches, to presidents. This book is a must. You will see Jesus, and it will change your life.
Berry Kercheville, Nashville, TN
What I appreciate most about this book is its usefulness for families. Hennecke contributes practical advice to parents leading their kids in a loving, empowering way. As a wife in the home, it's refreshing to be recognized as a co-leader of my children and to be equipped with appropriate strategies for raising them.
Christy Ganchero, Tyler, TX
Matt delivered a weekend of spiritual truths, practical insights, and personal experiences which made for a rich exploration of the subject of leadership and followership. He was interactive and engaging. I recommend this weekend for any church looking to appoint elders, to define and refine the work of elders, and understand what it means to follow Godly leaders.
Ralph Walker, Temple Terrace, FL
The Bible-based concepts covered in this workshop are fundamental and transformational for leaders and followers alike. Our congregation was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm following the weekend workshop. Highly practical. Beneficial for all demographics.
Randy Sink, Portage IN
Matt Hennecke's "Leaders and Followers in the Home and Church" workshop informs and equips all of us with relevant and timely information to serve more effectively. The workshop provides practical approaches to influencing others for good, reflecting Mr. Hennecke's spiritual wisdom and professional insights.
Dr. Brian J. Gilliam, Business Dept. Chair, Florida College, Temple Terrace, FL

Matt Hennecke
One of the many “aha” moments I had early in my career developing leaders for some major organizations was the realization that the best leadership concepts and ideas came straight from the pages of the Word of God. In retrospect that shouldn’t have surprised me. After all, the Bible not only reveals God’s plan for the redemption of mankind, it's also a primer for building and maintaining relationships. Within its pages are examples of both good and poor leaders. Jesus Christ, of course, was and remains the best "servant"leader to have ever walked the earth.
The book and workshop are the result of my deep love for the Word of God and my years of research about how leaders develop, how followers thrive under good leadership, and how they become demotivated and disenchanted under poor leadership. Matt attended Florida College and received his Master's degree from the University of South Florida. He currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky.